Are you interested or committed to making lifestyle changes? Because, if you're just interested, you will fail. However, If you're committed, you will do whatever it takes to win. Whether it's reducing or quitting alcohol, losing weight, starting an exercise routine, eating healthier, preventing, or even reversing lifestyle disease. Write your plan down, and take daily action. It may be a struggle initially, but stick to your plan and be consistent. When you fall off, which you will get back on, keep moving forward daily, weekly, and monthly until you have created new healthy habits. Visualize your future healthier self. Start your new lifestyle journey with someone like Mimded, so you can support each other and spur each other on. Life is more rewarding and satisfying when you're disease-free and healthy. Don't wait until you have a medical emergency before you make lifestyle changes. It may be too late. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching. 

When health symptoms arise, you have three choices. 1) Ignore them and hope they go away. 2) If they persist, go to your GP, who will only prescribe medication to relieve the symptoms or 3) get to the route cause. There is always a route cause. Insist your doctor get to the route cause. Most health-related symptoms are lifestyle-related. Making lifestyle changes can be uncomfortable initially, but hands down are worth the persistence, as lifestyle medication is only a band-aid. For a healthier and happier future, get to the root cause of your symptoms and disease. A proven way to do this is to connect with a neutralist, physical trainer, health and wellness coach even better a functional medical doctor. Commit to a healthier future now for you and your family. Self-care is healthcare.
Thanks for watching. 

9 out of 10 deaths have a direct link to dysfunctional blood sugar and insulin resistance or are worsened by elevated blood sugars. The overconsumption of junk foods, ultra-processed foods, and sugary drinks contributes to these facts. Processed food companies use too much inflammatory seed oils, too much sugar and sodium, high fructose corn syrup, and chemicals, and some of those chemicals are hazardous. Whatever you eat and drink increases your health or decreases your health. Whatever you eat or drink increases inflammation or decreases inflammation. The route of all disease is inflammation. For optimal health, make meals from real foods like lean organic meats, chicken, wild-caught fish, seafood, fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, nuts, and seeds, also exercise regularly, minimize alcohol, reduce stress, and get quality sleep. You can't just want to be healthy. You have to make an effort to be healthy. Stop turning to the most convenient, instant gratification, fast foods, processed and microwavable foods. If you care about your health learn to cook, and learn to prep meals.  Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

The gut plays an important role in one's overall health. The gut is in constant communication with the immune system. A healthy gut equals a robust immune system. A robust immune system will fight off disease and infections. Minimizing the impact of influenza and the new COVID strain making its rounds. Gut bacteria thrive on fiber found in fruit, vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds. For a healthy gut, avoid or limit fast foods, processed foods, and drinks as the ingredients in these foods destroy the gut microbiome. An unhealthy gut can lead to autoimmune and thyroid conditions.  Feeding our gut with fiber and healthy nutritious whole foods will also protect the liver from excess sugar, sodium, and chemicals found in processed foods and drinks. Exercise is also important for à healthy gut microbiome as is adequate sleep and reducing stress. Make your health a priority. It is our responsibility to maintain good health. Self-care is health care. Thanks for watching. 

With flu season around the corner and talk of another COVID mutation making its rounds, we must reflect on lessons learned from the previous one. During the last pandemic, we saw that certain groups of people were hit the hardest, particularly those who already had underlying health issues such as cardiovascular, heart or lung conditions, weak immune systems, obesity, diabetes, and other chronic lifestyle conditions. It’s essential, now more than ever that we prioritize our health. This means finding healthy ways to strengthen our immune system. The immune system has a symbiotic relationship with the gut. Also, a healthy gut supports healthy liver and kidney function which leads to a healthy cardiovascular system. Fasting also helps promote the immune system and gut health. The best way to improve gut health is to limit or avoid simple carbohydrates and inflammatory seed oil found in fast foods, processed foods, and drinks. Eat real food. Home-cooked meals with fresh ingredients, limit your alcohol consumption, minimize stress, and get quality sleep. Research shows that exercise is also vital to one's gut health and the immune system as it helps to increase the number of different types of gut bacteria. These bacteria help with digestion, destroy harmful bacteria, and help to overall strengthen our immune system, ultimately reducing the risk of severe illness and hospitalization. Exercise also has a positive impact on cardiovascular, muscle, and heart health. To have a robust immune system you must have a healthy gut microbiome. Take charge of your future health. We are responsible for our health. Are you being responsible for your health or do you have a can't be bothered attitude? Make time for your health now before you are forced to make time for an illness. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

Whether you're trying to lose weight, reduce your alcohol consumption, eat healthier, or try to make other lifestyle changes, research shows that having an accountability partner significantly increases your chances of success. An accountability partner is someone who supports you in keeping your commitments and maintaining progress toward your desired goals. So, if you're planning to make lifestyle changes, I highly recommend finding a friend, family member, nutritionist, or health coach who can serve as your accountability partner to check in with to share your struggles, your successes, and hold you accountable. Find your accountability partner today and watch as the power of support and accountability transform your lifestyle change journey. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

Leading a sedentary lifestyle puts you at a high risk for obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, fatigue, heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. It's crucial to prioritize movement and exercise that gets your heart rate up. At the very minimum aim to get at least 5,000 to 8,000 steps per day. Don't make excuses. Make your future health a priority. Remember, poor health eventually leads to both physical and mental suffering. It's time to find the time and make changes. If you are leading a sedentary lifestyle consider making some healthy positive changes in your daily routines. It's all about creating healthy habits. Eat nutritious whole foods, minimize alcohol consumption, reduce stress, get plenty of sleep, and exercise regularly. What do you want your health to be like in 10-20-30 years from now? Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

What do you want your health to be like in the next 10-15-20 years from now? Do you want to be dealing with lifestyle diseases such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, high lipids, being overweight, immobile, having no energy, and fatigue? The truth is, our health is greatly influenced by the choices we make today. It's important to take care of ourselves by eating whole foods, exercising regularly, minimizing alcohol consumption, reducing stress, and getting plenty of sleep. These habits can have a tremendous impact on our future well-being. So, let's make a conscious effort to prioritize our health now, and reap the benefits in the years to come. Remember, our future health is in our own hands. We are responsible for our own health. Make your future health a priority. Commit to being healthy. Self-care is health care. Thanks for watching.

Being healthy goes beyond just being disease-free. It's about achieving optimal health in all aspects of life.
First, is mental health. It's about nurturing our minds, addressing stress and anxiety, and maintaining a positive mindset. Taking care of our physical health is equally important. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate rest are key to maintaining our physical well-being. Next, is social health. Building and maintaining healthy relationships is crucial for our overall well-being. It's about connecting with others, fostering a sense of belonging, and having a support system.
Financial health is another essential aspect. It's about responsibly managing our finances, having a stable income, and planning for the future. Furthermore, spiritual health encompasses finding meaning and purpose in life, practicing mindfulness, and connecting with our inner selves. Environmental health reminds us to be mindful of our surroundings and make conscious choices to protect our environment. Spend time in nature, make time for leisure, hobbies, and self-care. Remember, being healthy is not just one dimension. It's about finding balance and well-being in many dimensions of health. Self-care is health-care I health-care.
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Keeping your mitochondria healthy is essential for a healthy body and mind. The mitochondria are the powerhouse of each red blood cell. Here are some tips to help you do just that. First, eat plenty of healthy fats like olive oil, avocado, nuts, and fatty fish. These are important for optimal mitochondrial function. 
Next, eat the rainbow, meaning lots of colorful fruits and vegetables. This not only provides essential vitamins and minerals but also helps to reduce inflammation. In addition and probably the most important one is to avoid or minimize refined sugar and flour, found in fast foods, ultra-processed foods, and drinks as excess sugar in the bloodstream will adere to red blood cells and damage mitochondria. Eat real food, exercise regularly, reduce stress and alcohol consumption, and make sure to get plenty of quality sleep. By following these steps, you're sure to have healthy mitochondria, and a healthier body and mind. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

Smoothies are a delicious and nutritious way to start your day or something to enjoy after a workout. However, it’s important to be mindful of what you’re blending. When you blend or juice just fruit alone you break down and lose the insoluble fiber which can leave you with a sugar bomb equal to a soda, which can raise your blood sugar to unhealthy levels. Ideally, eat whole fruits or opt for a more nutritious smoothie and blend or juice greens and vegetables instead. Greens and vegetable smoothies are a great way to get your daily intake of vitamins and minerals, and it’s easy to create delicious and nutritious combinations with the right ingredients. So if you’re looking for a healthy and energizing start to your day, experiment with greens and vegetable smoothies. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

Alcohol is cleverly marketed as a glamorous fun time drink. But, excess consumption of alcohol can leave you staggering, speechless, vomiting, loud, rude, obnoxious even aggressive, I've been there. it can damage family relationships, friendships, careers, and your overall health. It's important to be mindful of your alcohol consumption. Remember, alcohol is Ethanol, and it's essentially a poison. So, think twice before you abuse alcohol and if you already have a problem with alcohol seek professional help there is plenty of it out there. Millions of people have stopped abusing alcohol and led happier, healthier lives. It's not just about diet, exercise, or minimizing alcohol it's also about keeping stress levels to a minimum, getting plenty of sleep, and making time for the things you love to do.
Self-care is health care. Thanks for watching.

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a rut? That you're not living life to the fullest? If so change is possible and you can take control of your life and make a difference. Start by taking a look at the things and people that are holding you back. Are you unhappy with your job or your relationships? Are you not satisfied with your body or even your behavior? Is your lifestyle leading to health issues, or is your alcohol consumption causing problems at home, if so, it's time to make a change. With a plan, commitment, and consistency, you can make positive changes in your life. Take control and start making small positive daily, weekly, and monthly changes, and don't be afraid to reach out for help if necessary. Self-care is health care. Thanks for watching.

Conditions such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancers, are strongly linked to dysfunctional blood sugar levels and worsened by insulin resistance. This alarming data highlights the urgent need for us to prioritize our health and make better choices when it comes to what we consume daily and how we live our lives. By adopting healthier eating habits, engaging in regular physical activity, limiting alcohol, and managing our blood sugar levels, we can reduce the risk of these life-threatening conditions.
We must take this information seriously and start making changes to our daily routines. By making better lifestyle choices we can make a significant difference in improving our overall well-being and overall quality of life. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks watching.

Recent studies have shown that high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, can lead to insulin resistance and cause visceral fat to develop more than subcutaneous fat. Chronic stress is detrimental to one's health and can lead to a wide range of problems such as anxiety, depression, digestive issues, headaches, muscle tension and pain, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep problems, and weight gain. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of our stress levels and take action to reduce them. There are many ways to reduce stress, from disconnecting from people and places that cause you stress, which is easier said than done if it's a family member. Practicing yoga, meditation, exercise, and even taking a walk or talking to someone helps. Take steps today to reduce your stress levels. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

Dr Rob Lustig has a mantra, protect the liver and feed the gut. Protect the liver from excess alcohol and sugar and feed the gut with fiber. Protect the liver from excess alcohol and sugar (simple carbohydrates) as they are both damaging to the liver and kidneys and can lead to alcohol or non-alcohol fatty liver, weight gain, and inflammation that can lead to scarring of the liver that can eventually add to conditions such as cirrhosis. Feed the gut with fiber. Gut bacteria thrive on fiber. Fiber also helps slow the digestion of carbohydrates which aids in blood sugar control which we all should be extremely mindful of. Eating a diet rich in fiber can also improve your digestive health, reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and even aid in weight loss. Your immune system has a symbiotic relationship with your gut. Strengthen your immune system by consuming 25-30 grams of fiber daily. Be mindful of your alcohol and sugar consumption. Self-care is healthcare. Thank you for watching.

Are you one of the millions of people walking around with pre-hypertension, pre-type 2 diabetes, high LDL, high triglycerides, low HDL, or vitamin and mineral deficiency? Lifestyle diseases can take years even decades to show symptoms. Having regular blood work done can help prevent diseases such as pre-hypertension, pre-type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular and heart disease. It's important to know your numbers so you can make informed decisions about making lifestyle changes if necessary to improve your current and future health. Don't be one of the millions of people walking around with undetected health issues. Have regular blood work done and stay on top of your health. Take charge of your health. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

Making lifestyle changes can feel like an overwhelming task at first. Start with small daily, and weekly changes. Whether it's changing your nutrition, exercising, or reducing alcohol and stress, it's important to stay committed until the changes become a habit. Consistency demonstrates commitment. Focus on the reasons you're creating new habits and the positive effect it will have on your overall health and well-being now and in the future. Be consistent, and you'll soon start to see and feel the benefits. What do you want your health to be like in 10-20-30 years from now? Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

The gut has a symbiotic relationship with the immune system. Things that compromise gut health are the overconsumption of sugary foods and drinks, consuming excess alcohol chronic stress, and antibiotics. The gut is an ecosystem. Gut bacteria thrive on fiber.
Recommended daily fiber intake is approx 25-30 grams, preferably from real foods, fruits, and vegetables, not supplements.     
Excess sugar and alcohol, nutritional difficulty, chronic stress, and the lack of exercise will not only destroy gut health but can also lead to autoimmune diseases. Eat real food, minimize alcohol, and exercise regularly. Self-care is health care. Thanks for watching. 

You should consider avoiding or at least limiting ultra-processed foods and drinks along with fried foods as they're fried in unhealthy inflammatory seed oils. The overconsumption of ultra-processed foods and drinks is the fundamental cause of the worldwide lifestyle disease epidemic. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in lean organic meats, chicken, wild-caught fish, seafood, fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds, and whole grains will provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Regular physical activity will also improve heart, cardiovascular, and lung function. Commit to a healthy future. The human body will naturally heal itself if given the opportunity. Four of the best ways to avoid lifestyle diseases. Eat healthy nutritious whole foods, limit alcohol consumption, reduce stress, and exercise daily. What do you want your health to be like in 10-20-30 years from now? Think about that. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching. 

Inactivity can have a devastating effect on your body, mental health, and overall well-being. Inactivity leads to muscle and joint deterioration and can also compromise your immune system. It's important to make sure you stay active regularly. Include physical activity in your daily routine. At the very minimum you should be walking 7,000 - 8,000 daily Other ways to be active are swimming, cycling, tennis, and yoga. You can also join a gym or take classes to get the most out of your routines. Remember, your health is the most important thing. Are you exercising regularly? Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

Inactivity can have a devastating effect on your body, mental health, and overall well-being. Inactivity leads to muscle and joint deterioration and can also compromise your immune system. It's important to make sure you stay active regularly. Include physical activity in your daily routine. At the very minimum, you should be walking 7,000 - 8,000 daily Other ways to be active are swimming, cycling, tennis, and yoga. You can also join a gym or take classes to get the most out of your routines. Remember, your health is the most important thing. Are you exercising regularly? Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

High blood pressure is often called the ‘silent killer’ because it doesn't always show symptoms. Unfortunately, this means that many people don't realize they have high blood pressure until it's too late. That's why it's so important to regularly monitor your blood pressure. The best way to do this is to invest in a blood pressure cuff or a watch that can measure your BP. Taking regular readings will help you stay on top of your health and make sure that you're not at risk of any complications caused by high blood pressure. Invest and take charge of your health. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

2) Research has shown that chronic stress can play a significant role in the onset, progression, and severity of metabolic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular and heart disease. The best way to reduce the risk of developing a metabolic disease is to practice healthy habits and find ways to reduce stress. This could include taking time for yourself every day, exercising regularly, and engaging in activities that bring you joy. When it comes to your health, reducing stress is just as important as diet and exercise. Find ways to reduce your daily stress. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

1) We all have habits that we do daily. Some of these habits are healthy, while others are not. To help us break unhealthy habits, it's important to first identify them, write them down, and then focus on changing one unhealthy habit at a time. Once you have identified the unhealthy habits, you can then start to replace them with healthier alternatives. Doing this gradually can help you to create long-term positive lifestyle changes. Lifestyle diseases have become an epidemic worldwide. It's our responsibility to be healthy. Aim to make your health span the same as your lifespan, so you don't spend years with diminishing health that leads to pain, suffering, and disabilities like my father experienced the last 10 years of his life through the mismanagement of type 2 diabetes. What do you want your health to be like in 10-20-30  years from now? Think about that. Thanks for watching 

We are facing a growing crisis in our food and healthcare systems. The food we eat is rigged to prioritize profits over our health, resulting in the epidemic of lifestyle diseases. While many people are suffering from these diseases, it seems that big pharma and the medical industry are profiting from this crisis. The government needs to demand more transparency and accountability from food companies, and we need to support local, sustainable, and nutritious food companies. We also need to examine the healthcare industry and promote preventative measures rather than just treating the symptoms of diseases with profitable pills. This is a systemic issue that affects all of us. We must come together and demand change to create a healthier and more just future not only for ourselves but our future generations. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

We know that alcohol, when consumed in excess, slowly deteriorates our health. Even though drinking too much alcohol often makes us feel terrible the next day. Excess alcohol slowly damages our relationships, our ability to move forward in life, and our overall health. But why do some people keep using it, when they know the consequences? Society and peer pressure often encourage us to drink, and it’s often seen as a way to have fun or celebrate. However, we need to become more aware of the potential dangers of excessive drinking and take steps to prevent it. Alcohol is extremely addictive. Evaluate your alcohol consumption and take action to reduce it, even better, eliminate it as alcohol is ethanol, and whichever way you look at it, ethanol is poison. Being alcohol-free has changed my life for the better. Thanks for watching.

We all know that life is busy and can become overwhelming at times. When it comes to our health, it's important to make time to prioritize it. 
Unfortunately, many people wait until a medical emergency presents itself before they make lifestyle changes. You must make time for your health before you're forced to make time for an illness. By making small weekly changes such as getting regular exercise, eating a well-balanced diet, and minimizing alcohol the ratio between triglycerides and HDL is known to be a better indicator of cardiovascular disease than LDL (bad cholesterol). High triglycerides usually indicate low HDL (good cholesterol) and its HDL that shuttles LDL to the liver to be eliminated. High triglycerides are also associated with insulin resistance, midriff, chronic obesity, NA fatty liver, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes all carrying a greater risk of cardiovascular and heart disease. Proven ways to lower triglycerides and increase HDL is to avoid sugar, which is hidden in fast foods, processed foods, and drinks. Eat real foods, fibrous foods found in fruits and vegetables, exercise daily and reduce alcohol consumption. Self-care is health care. Thanks for watching.

The gut has a symbiotic relationship with the immune system. Things that compromise gut health are excess sugar found in ultra-processed food and drinks, chronic stress, and the overconsumption of alcohol. The gut is an ecosystem, and gut bacteria thrive on fiber.
Recommended daily fiber intake is approx 25-30 grams, preferably from food, not supplements. Chronic stress, nutritional difficulty, and the lack of exercise will not only destroy gut health but can also lead to autoimmune disease. Eat real food, minimize alcohol, and exercise regularly. Self-care is health care. Thanks for watching. 

You should consider avoiding or at least limiting ultra-processed foods and drinks along with fried foods as they contain unhealthy amounts of inflammatory seed oils, too much sugar, and sodium, and not to forget all the chemicals used. The overconsumption of processed foods and drinks is the fundamental cause of the lifestyle disease epidemic. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in lean organic meats, chicken, wild-caught fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds, and whole grains will provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs to stay healthy and strong. Regular physical activity will also improve heart, cardiovascular, and lung function. Commit to being healthy. The body will naturally heal itself if given the opportunity. Three of the best ways to avoid lifestyle diseases Eat healthy nutritious whole foods, limit alcohol consumption, and exercise daily. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching. 

There's a concerning trend of pediatricians prescribing medication to children as young as 12 years of age. According to recent studies, an increasing number of children are now being diagnosed with non-alcohol fatty liver, obesity, and mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. While some experts argue that medication is a necessary tool in treating these conditions, others worry about the known side effects and potential long-term effects on a child's developing brain. It's essential that as a parent, you advocate for your children, ensuring that any prescribed medication is truly necessary and that the benefits outweigh the risks. We also need to prioritize alternative interventions that may be more effective, like treating the root causes of these conditions. Thanks for watching.

The term "healthspan" refers to how long a person can remain healthy and active throughout their life. Unfortunately, the average lifespan in many countries is now longer than the average health span. This means that many people spend their later years living with pain, suffering, and disabilities. 
Aim for your health span to be the same as your lifespan. By taking care of ourselves now, we can ensure that our later years are spent living a healthy and happy life. 
This means eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, limiting alcohol consumption, getting enough sleep, and taking time each day to de-stress and relax. It also means scheduling regular blood work and check-ups to make sure our bodies stay metabolically healthy. What do you want your health to be like in 5-10-20 years from now? Thanks for watching.

it's so important to take care of our health. We live in a time when it's easier than ever to become unhealthy due to the overconsumption of fast foods, processed foods, and drinks. Lifestyle disease is an epidemic that is taking over. It's important to build healthier habits now to help secure a healthier future. Make small weekly changes and enjoy the journey. Don't wait until you have a medical emergency to get started. Start making daily, and weekly changes until you've created new healthier eating habits. Week by week turn your unhealthy eating habits into healthy ones for you and your family. Limit fast foods, processed foods, and drinks. Eat real food, drink water, limit your alcohol, and exercise daily. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

The ratio between triglycerides and HDL is proven to be a better indicator of cardiovascular disease than LDL (bad cholesterol). High Triglycerides usually indicate low HDL (good cholesterol) and it's HDL that shuttles LDL to the liver to be eliminated. High Triglycerides are also associated with insulin resistance, midriff, chronic obesity, NA fatty liver, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes all carrying a greater risk of cardiovascular and heart disease. Proven ways to lower triglycerides and increase HDL are to avoid sugar which is hidden in all fast foods, and processed foods and drinks, exercise daily, and reduce alcohol consumption.  Eat real food, fibrous foods found in fruits and vegetables. Self-care is health care. Until next time take care. Thanks for watching.

Are you fed up with feeling sluggish and tired throughout the day? Are you looking for a way to boost your energy and maybe lose weight? If so, cutting out refined carbohydrates is the solution. Refined carbohydrates are primarily found in fast foods, processed foods, and drinks. By cutting out these types of foods, you will begin to see a wide range of benefits, such as weight loss, more energy, improved digestion even the reversal of hypertension, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. Start today, within months even weeks you will feel the benefits of cutting out refined carbohydrates. Eat real foods, limit alcohol, and exercise regularly. Self-care is health care.
Thank you for watching.

Excess sugar is the fundamental cause of lifestyle disease. Reduce the daily consumption of sodas, sports, energy, and sugary coffee drinks until you eliminate them. These drinks contain more than 65 grams of sugar and don't be fooled by sugar-free as other health-damaging sweeteners are used. These drinks will raise blood sugar levels which eventually leads to gut issues, weight gain, hypertension, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes,  cardiovascular and heart disease. Sugar is extremely addictive that's why it's used in fast foods, processed foods, and drinks. When you have a craving for one of these drinks swap it for a healthier choice like lemon or lime water even sparkling water. It's not going to be easy at first but commit to it, stick to it, and be constantly aware of why you're doing it. In only a couple of weeks, you will be enjoying sugar-free healthy refreshing drinks that hydrate the body. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

Fast food, processed foods, and drinks contain unhealthy seed oils, too much sodium too much sugar, and chemicals. The overconsumption of these foods and drinks will lead to weight gain, hypertension, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular and heart disease. Instead of educating patients on how to prevent or even reverse lifestyle diseases, the conventional medical system only prescribes medications to manage these diseases. If you were prescribed lifestyle medications and have continued the same lifestyle that got you on those medications whether it be years or even decades you will cause damage to other vital organs leading to pain and suffering. Lifestyle diseases are preventable even reversible. Create a healthier lifestyle by being conscious of what you digest. Self-care is healthcare Thanks for watching. 

Brisk walking 30 mins each day will greatly reduce the risk of heart disease which is the leading global cause of death. 

Having high blood pressure dramatically increases the risk of heart disease as the pressure in the blood vessels increases the heart has to work harder to move blood through the body and tissues, the heart can only handle this for so long. High insulin levels not only cause cardiovascular and heart disease but are also linked to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, midriff and chronic obesity, heart attacks, and stroke. Create the habit of exercising daily. Stop making excuses like, I don't have time, I can't be bothered or I'll do it tomorrow. Commit to a healthy future. Take action today. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

Every day, we are bombarded by a plethora of unhealthy food options that are laden with unhealthy fats, too much sugar, sodium, and hazardous chemicals including some that are banned in other countries. It's no surprise that lifestyle disease has skyrocketed in recent years. Children as young as 10 years of age are now being diagnosed and treated with lifestyle diseases. In the face of this crisis, I'm waiting for a president to step up and say, "Let's make America healthy again." We need a leader who is willing to take bold steps to ensure that the food we eat is safe, nutritious, and sustainable. This means investing in local agriculture, promoting healthy eating habits introducing preventative health care, and moving away from the current system of disease management. Avoid unhealthy fast foods, processed foods, and drinks. Eat real foods, limit your alcohol consumption, and exercise daily. Thank you for watching.

Exercise has been proven time and again to have numerous health benefits, both physical and mental. If you're looking to regulate blood sugar, lower blood pressure, lower LDL and triglycerides, maintain weight, and improve cardiovascular, heart, and lung health, then exercise is one of the best things you can do. Regular exercise also helps to boost your immune system, making it easier for your body to fight off illness and infection. Exercise also alleviates stress and improves overall sleep quality. Whether it's a brisk walk, a yoga class, a trip to the gym, or exercising at home. Try different exercises until you find a couple you will do, then do them. The best exercise is the one you'll do. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

Studies have shown that over-the-counter anti-inflammatory tablets taken daily of Motrin, Advil, Eleve, and Nurofen, including peroxisomal, Prilosec, and Tums can lead to major health problems as they deplete iron and folic acid, can also increase blood pressure, worsen asthma, can also cause gut issues, GI bleeding and can also lead to kidney and liver damage. If you have mild to moderate injury don't take tablets let the body's defence system go to work, redness, swelling, and inflammation are the body's defence system at work. In the case of serve pain then just take enough to make the pain bearable. The body's ability to heal is amazing. 
If you need to take these types of tablets daily then get to the root cause of the problem. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching. 

Simple carbs are refined sugars and flour and are one of the main ingredients in fast foods processed foods and drinks and cause a spike in blood sugar levels. The overconsumption of these carbs will lead to weight gain, hypertension, gut issues, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and eventually leads to cardiovascular and heart disease. Unlike complex carbs that are found in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, beans legumes, and whole grains. These carbs contain fiber, which slows down the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream. This means you will not experience blood sugar spikes, you'll experience a gradual increase and a longer-lasting feeling of fullness. Simple carbs found in fast and processed foods are the fundamental cause of lifestyle disease. Avoid simply carbohydrates.
Thanks for watching.

Studies have shown that gut health is tied to metabolic diseases such as weight gain diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular and heart disease. The fundamental cause of an unhealthy gut is excess sugar which also can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Good gut bacteria thrive on fiber found in fruits and vegetables, beans, and legumes. It's important to note that the gut also has a symbiotic relationship with the immune system. An imbalance in this relationship can have negative impacts on our health. Recent research suggests that an imbalance of gut bacteria can even affect our mood, behavior, mental health even autoimmune disease.
Regular exercise, and avoiding chronic stress also aid in a healthy gut microbiome. Thanks for watching.

Making lifestyle changes can be uncomfortable, even daunting. We often find ourselves very comfortable in our current routines, even if they're not necessarily healthy or productive. Whether it's improving your nutrition, and physical health or reducing alcohol consumption by making small adjustments to your daily routines can have a profound impact over time. But if you never take that first step towards change, you'll never know just how much you're capable of achieving. Start with small manageable goals that you can build on over time. Progress is progress, no matter how small or slow. While it may be uncomfortable and challenging at times, the benefits of making lifestyle changes are absolutely, hand down worth it. Commit to a healthier future. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching. 

Brisk walking 30 mins each day will greatly reduce the risk of heart disease which is the leading global cause of death. Having high blood pressure dramatically increases the risk of heart disease as the pressure in the blood vessels increases the heart has to work harder to move blood through the body and tissues, the heart can only handle this for so long. High insulin levels not only cause cardiovascular and heart disease but are also linked to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, midriff and chronic obesity, heart attacks and stroke. Create the habit of exercising daily. Stop the excuses like, I don't have time, I can't be bothered or I'll do it tomorrow. Commit to a healthy future. Take action today. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

One of the primary reasons for the increase in lifestyle diseases is the rise of technology. More people are leading a sedentary lifestyle, sitting in front of screens for long hours, with minimal exercise or physical activity. Combined with poor eating habits, lack of sleep, and high levels of stress, it's no wonder that the majority of people are developing lifestyle diseases. Another major contributor is the overconsumption of fast foods, processed foods, sugar-laden drinks, and excess alcohol which have all caused an increase in hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular and heart disease. So, in conclusion, it's not just one factor that's causing the increase in lifestyle diseases. Make small daily changes in your lifestyle. Strive to be healthy. Thanks for watching.

If you want to lose weight and also burn fat, here's the formula; be in a calorie deficit, eat ample protein, and do some strength training. Consuming ample protein helps feed muscles that can help you lose weight. Protein also increases satiety and decreases hunger and there are many benefits to strength training, but for weight loss, the most important one is that it helps build muscle. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, meaning it burns more calories at rest. The more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate will be. Recap, if you're looking to lose weight, be in a calorie deficit, make sure to get at least the amount of protein based on your weight, and incorporate some strength training. With consistency and dedication, you will achieve your weight loss goals. Try it and enjoy the journey. Thanks for watching.

Regular exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your brain, tissues, and cells also, strengthens the heart muscle, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, regulates blood pressure, reduces LDL, and triglycerides raises HDL (good cholesterol) helps maintain body weight, strengthens muscles and bones, reduces stress, improves mood, boosts energy, promotes better sleep and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. Based on all that information... Why wouldn't you exercise? You can't be bothered? You can't make the time? If I were you, I would be bothered, and I would make time for your health before you're forced to make time for your illness. The best exercise is the one you'll do. Thanks for watching

You don't lose mobility because of aging you lose mobility because you stop being mobile. Create healthy habits with these 4 simple exercise hacks. 1) Walk 10 to 15 min after every meal which will also help regulate blood sugar levels. 2) every time you visit the bathroom do 10 squats, which could lead to you doing 40-50 squats daily, and you will quickly see and feel the benefits of daily squats. 3) Do daily push-ups off a kitchen countertop. 4) If you work in an office switch to a stand-up desk, it's not healthy to sit down all day long. We must move all our joints and strengthen muscles daily to prevent struggling to walk up stairs or taking 5 minutes to get out of a chair when we're in our late 60s 70s and 80s. Move your body daily. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching. 

Food is the best reversal of the disease. If you put healthy nutritious foods against lifestyle disease medication hands down, food will win. We are responsible for our own health as doctors only manage lifestyle diseases with medication that only suppresses the symptoms leaving the route causes still there and slowly over time, years even decades will lead to the damage of other vital organs resulting in pain, suffering, and even more disease. By changing your lifestyle which includes, nutrition, stress management, exercise, and the reduction of alcohol within 6 to 12 months your doctor could be taking you off lifestyle medication. I've had clients who have proven that. Make time for your health before you are forced to make time for your illness. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

In 1968 5% of people were obese now it's 42% and genetics haven't changed, what's changed is the food supply. Children as young as 10 years of age are now being diagnosed with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and non-alcohol fatty liver. Think about that! 80% of chronic illness is due to lifestyle. The overconsumption of fast foods, processed foods, and drinks, excess alcohol, and the lack of exercise have caused the current worldwide lifestyle disease epidemic. Commit to be healthy and take action daily. Eat real food, limit alcohol, and exercise daily. 
Self-care is healthcare.
Until next time take care. Thanks for watching.

Seed oils, such as canola, soybean, sunflower, cottonseed, and corn oil are used in processed fast foods and snacks and are also used to fry foods and home cooking. Studies have shown that these seed oils are harmful to our health and have been linked to chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular and heart disease. Eliminate these seed oils from your kitchen and incorporate other types of oils that have better health benefits, such as olive oil, avocado oil, and even butter, and ghee. We must make informed decisions when it comes to our health, and be constantly aware of the foods we consume. Go to your kitchen now and put that shit where it belongs... in the trash. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

There are many health benefits to intermittent fasting which include but are not limited to, weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and decreased inflammation. Intermittent fasting allows more time for the body to eliminate metabolic and pathogenic waste. For example, if your current fasting period is from 7 pm to 8 am that's 11 hours of fasting. For the coming weeks increase your fasting period by only one hour each week until you reach a fasting period of 14 -15 or 16 hours. It's not recommended to jump from say, 11 hours straight to 14-15 or 16 hours as your body needs time to adjust and acclimate. Make your first meal of the day high in healthy fat and protein as this will keep blood sugars to a minimum and get your day off to a great start. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching. 

You don't lose mobility because of aging you lose mobility because you stop being mobile. Create healthy habits with these 4 simple exercise hacks. Walk 10 to 15 min after every meal which will also help regulate blood sugar levels. Every time you visit the bathroom do 10 squats, which could lead to you doing 40-50 squats daily, and you will quickly see and feel the benefits of daily squats. Do daily push-ups off a kitchen countertop. If you work in an office switch to a stand-up desk, it's not healthy to sit down all day long. We must move all our joints and strengthen muscles daily to prevent struggling to walk up stairs or taking 5 mins to get out of a chair when we're in our late 60s 70s and 80s. Move your body daily. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching. 

There are many health benefits to intermittent fasting which include but are not limited to, weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and decreased inflammation. Intermittent fasting allows more time for the body to eliminate metabolic and pathogenic waste. For example, if your current fasting period is from 7 pm to 8 am that's 11 hours of fasting. For the coming weeks increase your fasting period by only one hour each week until you reach a fasting period of 14 -15 or 16 hours. It's not recommended to jump from say, 11 hours straight to 14-15 or 16 hours as your body needs time to adjust and acclimate. Make your first meal of the day high in healthy fat and protein as this will keep blood sugars to a minimum and get your day off to a great start. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching. 

There are no known benefits to consuming alcohol. Alcohol is ethanol, a legalized poison that ruins millions of people's lives, families, relationships, and dreams. Over time alcohol takes a toll on one's health and leads to a variety of health issues such as inflammation, high blood pressure, fatty liver, siriosis,  cardiovascular and heart disease, and certain types of cancer. Do you have a problematic relationship with alcohol but are in denial or aware of it but don't do anything about it? Seek professional help to break the habit. There's plenty of help out there, such as books, podcasts, AA, other organizations, and rehab if necessary. Commit to a healthier future. Take action today. The action gets results. Thanks for watching.

75% of people's diet is ultra-processed fake food, and we're not biologically made to eat this type of food. Our bodies react to these ingredients, which are the fundamental cause of the current lifestyle disease epidemic. Reduce your consumption of these three ingredients, refined sugar, inflammatory seed oils, and processed flour, which are all main ingredients in fast foods, processed foods, and drinks. In excess, these foods cause inflammation, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, midriff, chronic obesity, certain types of cancer, cardiovascular, and heart disease. Reduce processed foods and drinks. Eat real foods, lean organic meats and chicken, wild-caught fish, sea foods, fruit and vegetables, beans and legumes, nuts, and seeds. Limit your alcohol consumption and exercise daily. Self-care is healthcare. Thanks for watching.

Insulin resistance is not only the fundamental cause of weight gain, it is also the reason you can't lose weight because insulin is the fat-storage hormone. Excess sugar causes the pancreas to secrete insulin into the bloodstream. Sugar and refined flour are two of the main ingredients in fast foods, processed foods, and drinks. 1 in 3 people have pre-diabetes and are not even aware of it. You'll be surprised even shocked at how much sugar you may consume daily. Schedule a hemoglobin AIC blood test with your GP it will show the amount of sugar stuck to red blood cells over the prior 3-month period. High levels of blood sugar and insulin lead to metabolic diseases such as inflammation, high blood pressure, 2 diabetes, weight gain, gut issues, liver and kidney disease, and cardiovascular and heart disease. Self-care is healthcare. Until next time, take care. Thanks for watching.

The human body has approx 60,000 miles of blood vessels arteries, veins, and capillaries that feed blood to every organ in your body including the brain. Everything you eat and drink ends up in your stomach and eventually in your bloodstream which includes unhealthy fats, sodium, sugars, binders, fillers, and chemicals found in fast food, processed foods, and drinks, which over years of consumption leads to lifestyle diseases such as Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, midriff and chronic obesity, arthritis dementia and more. Eat real food... Fruit, vegetables, beans, legumes, lean organic meats and fish. Create a health span that matches your lifespan. 

Children as young as 10 years of age are being diagnosed with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 
So, parents you need to be aware of not only what you're feeding yourself but what you're also feeding your children and how those dietary choices can impact their health. Nutrition plays an important role in the development of lifestyle diseases and can be avoided with the right diet and lifestyle. 
There's a huge increase in the consumption of sugary drinks and processed foods, which are the contributing factors to the rise in these diagnoses. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of lean organic meats, chicken, wild-caught fish, seafood, fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, nuts, and seed. Limiting sugar intake is essential for a healthy mind and body.